

恩雅《So I could find my way》

A thousand dreams you gave to me 你无数次的走进我的梦乡
You held me high, you held me high 你将我高高举起,高高举起
And all those years you guided me 在漫长的时光中你指引着我
So I could find my way 所以我脚下的路途变得清晰
How long your love had sheltered me 你的爱究竟已经呵护了我多久
You held me high, you held me high 你把我高高举起,高高举起
A harbor holding back the sea 正如大海拥抱着港湾
So I could find my way 我脚下的路途变得清晰
So let me give this dream to you 愿我能悄然走入你的梦里
Upon another shore 梦回那一片海滨
So let me give this dream to you 愿我能悄然走入你的梦里
Each night and ever more 陪伴你度过一个又一个夜晚
Yet only time keeps us apart 也许只有时间可以把我们分离
You held me high, you held me high 你把我高高举起,高高举起
Your endless shadows hold my heart 你宽广的情怀包容着我的心
So I could find my way 让我脚下的路途变得清晰
A thousand dreams you gave to me 你无数次地走进我的梦乡
You held me high, you held me high 你将我高高举起,高高举起
And all those years you guided me 在漫长的时光中你指引着我
So I could find my way 所以我脚下的路途变得清晰